In the file job_settings environment variables are set for settings the specific requirement for the job. Am example looks like so:

#... change this due to your needs

#... experiment identifier
EXPID=sp001 # alphanumeric characters for job identification

#... directory path settings
SPDIR=?{initSPDIR} # this is starter package specific and not necessary, if the full paths are defined in the following lines
PFDIR=${SPDIR}/chain/gcm_to_cclm # base directory where the scripts for the experiment are stored
WORKDIR=${SPDIR}/chain/work # NONE of the created files under this directory will be deleted at the end of the job chain
SCRATCHDIR=${SPDIR}/chain/scratch # ALL created files under this directory will be deleted at the end of the job chain, therefore:
# do not define SCRATCHDIR as any of your other paths!!!
ARCHIVE_INPDIR=${SPDIR}/data/gcm/ncep # directory of coarse model input data
ARCHIVE_OUTDIR=${SPDIR}/chain/arch # directory where the results should be archived
RESDIR=${WORKDIR}/${EXPID}/restarts # restart data directory

#... batch command
BATCH_CMD=sbatch # the batch command of your computer system
COMPUTER_SYSTEM=mistral # name of your computer system

#... start and end date of the simulation
YDATE_START=2000010100 # start date of simulation YYYYMMDDHH[mmss]
YDATE_STOP=2000030100 # end date of simulation YYYYMMDDHH[mmss]

#... email address where job messages should be send to
EMAIL_ADDRESS=burkhardt.rockel\ # your email address

#... project account (needed at DKRZ)
PROJECT_ACCOUNT=$(cat $HOME/.acct) # replace this with your project account

#... time increment of a CCLM partial job
INC_DATE=01:00:00 # MM:DD:HH time increment for the CCLM job
# (the other parts of the chain are always monthly)
# valid values are 01:00:00, 00:01:00, 00:02:00, ... , 00:27:00

#... directory and binary path settings for utilities
UTILS_BINDIR=${SPDIR}/src/cfu/bin # absolute path to directory of utility binaries
#... adopt the following to you computer system and check once in a while whether it is still the up-to-date version
CDO=?{initCDO} # absolute path of the CDO binary
NCO_BINDIR=?{initNCO_BINDIR} # absolute path to directory of NCO binaries
NC_BINDIR=?{initNC_BINDIR} # absolute path of the netcdf binaries (ncdump, nccopy)

#... int2lm job settings
#... choose whether to run int2lm (=1) or use already existing int2lm output (=0)

#... choose compression type of output in post-processing and archiving
#... 0 = no compression
#... 1 = internal compression (compression in netCDF file, requires netCDF Library with HDF-lib and z-lib)
#... 2 = external compression (compression with gzip, requires gzip to be installed)

#... choose SAMOA check (will be ignored, if SAMOA extension is not installed)
#... 0 = no SAMOA check
#... 1 = short SAMOA check (just the output of the last day of the month in each "outNN" directory)
#... 2 = long SAMOA check (all output files will be checked)

#... set number of boundary lines to be cut off in the time series data and before evaluating the data with SAMOA

#... common INT2LM and CCLM settings
CZML_SOIL="0.005,0.025,0.07,0.16,0.34,0.7,1.42,2.86,5.74,11.5" # do not use blanks
HINCBOUND=06 # time increment of boundary data
ITYPE_CALENDAR=0 # calendar, 0=standard, 1=climatological(360 d/y)
LSSO=.TRUE. # sub-scale orography
LFOREST=.TRUE. # account for forest
LLAKE=.FALSE. # account for lakes
ITYPE_ALBEDO=2 # albedo type
ITYPE_AEROSOL=1 # aerosol type
LSTOMATA=.FALSE. # stomata values read from external files
LEMISS=.FALSE. # surface emissivity values read from external files

#... CCLM specific settings. These are also needed for the post-processing.
HOUT_INC=(7 03:00:00 24:00:00 01:00:00 03:00:00 06:00:00 06:00:00 24:00:00) # time increment for each GRIBOUT hh:mm:ss
# it should be a multiple of the CCLM time step
# first numeric is the number of GRIBOUT namelists
HINCMXT=${HOUT_INC[7]} # interval for min/max of temperature (to be consistent with HOUT_INC in global settings above)
HINCMXU=${HOUT_INC[7]} # interval for min/max of wind speed (to be consistent with HOUT_INC in global settings above)

#... int2lm execution settings
INT2LM_EXE=${SPDIR}/src/int2lm/bin/int2lm.exe # full path and name of the INT2LM executable

#... cclm execution settings
CCLM_EXE=${SPDIR}/src/cclm/bin/cclm.exe # full path and name of the CCLM executable
