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The climatological test suite uses the subchain scripts which are similar to those used in the starter package. The climatological test suite includes two additional templates: eval.job.tmpl and

For further information on the “subchain” see the starter package documentation.
The run scripts
  • Top-level chain script subchain
    This is the main script which calls the following scripts (prep, int2lm, cclm, archiv, post, eval). It prepares the environment variables for the other scripts and builds the *.job files for the actual month in the chain from *.job.tmpl files. Each simulation step is submitted via this subchain script.

  • Pre-processing - prep.job.tmpl
    This script copies the “int2lm-ready” boundary data from the archive. The script can be adapted to your needs, e.g. copying from tape, via ftp or scp, cutting out a smaller region etc. The boundary data can come from global models (ECHAM, ECMWF, etc.), regional models itself or NCEP, ERAinterim and other models. In the test suite the default is copying already prepared int2lm output files to the appropriate directory.

  • Interpolation program INT2LM - int2lm.job.tmpl
    The INT2LM program interpolates initial and boundary conditions from the driving model to the rotated latitude-longitude grid of the CCLM. These are the external parameters for the surface and the global boundary meteorological fields at the model domain’s boundaries. In the test suite INT2LM not run by default because a reference INT2LM output data set already exist.

  • Regional climate model program CCLM - cclm.job.tmpl
    This template contains the namelist settings of the CCLM.

  • Archiving - arch.job.tmpl
    This script tars and archives the results of the regional climate model. This script can be changed to perform archiving on tape, via ftp or scp.

  • Post-processing - post.job.tmpl
    This script generates time series of the results of the regional climate model and archives them in the specified directory. At the end of the simulation it calls the evaluation and graphics scripts.

  • Evaluation - eval.job.tmpl
    This template is called at the very end of the simulation. From the time series in the post/YYYY_MM directories daily and monthly data are calculated. These data are stored under $TSDIR/cts/work/yourexpid/eval/data/. At the end it calls the graphics script.

  • Graphics -
    This script creates standard plots from the simulation results under $TSDIR/cts/work/ yourexpid/eval/graphics/. For more information see the section on graphics under the compiling chapter.
Running an experiment
  1. Create a reference by running the reference CCLM (given in $TSDIR/src/cclm) with the ctsref experiment.
cd $TSDIR/cts/ctsref
./subchain start

  1. Next create an executable from your test CCLM version.

  2. Create a test experiment
    Assuming that the experiment name is EXPID=cts001.
cd $TSDIR/cts
cp -R ctsref cts001
cd cts001

change the $EXPID environment variable in $TSDIR/cts/cts001/job_settings to EXPID=cts001 and make other necessary changes (e.g. adapt the $CCLM_EXE environment variable in job_settings to the path of your CCLM executable). Initialize and submit the test:

cd $TSDIR/cts/cts001
./subchain clean
./subchain start

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