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  1. Create a binary of the standard version provided in $TSDIR/src/cclm.
  2. Create a link to that binary like this
cd $TSDIR/tts
ln -s $TSDIR/src/cclm/bin/cclm.exe cosmo_cpu

  1. On Mistral change the account name in the line #SBATCH --account=gg0302 of the file submit.mistral.slurm to yours. On all other systems create a new submit file with the appropriate commands for your system.
  2. Submit the file. On Mistral like this:
cd $TSDIR/tts
sbatch submit.mistral.slurm

After completion of the job a file named testsuite.out should appear in the directory $TSDIR/tts. Check this file with cat testsuite.out. You will probably see that some tests have a FAIL flag. This means that you need to adapt the reference output in $TSDIR/tts/data/cosmo_clm/test_1 to the given standard version. This will be done in the next step.

  1. Create a standard output for comparison with the command
cd $TSDIR/tts
src/ --update-yufiles

  1. Perform step 4 again. There shall be no more FAIL flags in testsuite.out.

For the comparison with your CCLM version(s) now you need just to perform steps 2 (link your executable) and 4 (submit the test for your model version)
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